Munk Dialogue with George Will, Ash Sarkar, Jacob Rees Mogg, and Sohrab Ahmari
Munk Dialogue with George Will, Ash Sarkar, Jacob Rees Mogg, and Sohrab Ahmari
Be it Resolved, liberalism gets the big questions right.
On November 3rd four debaters will take to the stage at Toronto’s Roy Thomson Hall to debate the crisis of liberalism.
The motion is Be it Resolved, liberalism gets the big questions right.
On this Munk Dialogue, we are speaking with each of the debaters who are taking part in this important and timely debate, to get a sense of their arguments and what we can expect from them on stage at Toronto’s Roy Thomson Hall on November 3rd.
Arguing for the motion is the controversial British M.P. and former cabinet minister, Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg. He will be joined by the American writer and columnist who has shaped a generation’s thinking on the important issues of our time: George F. Will.
Opposing the motion is U.K. journalist, self-avowed communist and popular leftist thinker, Ash Sarkar. Her debating partner is the disruptive and thought-provoking American social conservative, Sohrab Ahmari, author of the bestseller Tyranny Inc.: How Private Power Crushed American Liberty.
“Free trade, the perennial fetish of every liberal since the 18th century, correlates with the destruction of working class life.”
-Sohrab Ahmari
“Classic liberals became the driving force against inherited hierarchies, hierarchies of wealth, hierarchies of birth, and hierarchies of ecclesiastical support.”
-George F. Will
“If you believe in liberalism, you believe in freedom of the individual, you believe in freedom of association, freedom of speech, and free economies.”
-Jacob Rees-Mogg
“Liberal and so-called democratic states in the West have presided over an extraordinary impoverishment of their domestic populations, but they always have money for wars.”
-Ash Sarkar